
YourPace kid's trail pakistan

Margalla Trail Runners and Your Pace by indrive

Margalla Trail Runners in collaboration with inDrive bringing a unique project YourPace Kid’s Trail Pakistan. YourPace is a non-profit project powered by inDrive dedicated to supporting running initiatives to bring together people from diverse backgrounds such as indigenous communities, people with disabilities, low-income individuals, and children, helping create a discrimination-free environment for everyone.

Backyard ultra world satellite championship-team pakistan

by Margalla Trail Runeers and bACKYARD ULTRA

The 15 members of Team Pakistan will include the winner of the Silver Ticket event and the top 14 runners of the At Large list. The current roster status can be found at under “2024 Team Championships”.

Major performances can be recorded at any of the connected Backyard Ultras, a complete list is available on the same website under “Races”.

The winner will be declared the National Champion for 2024. Simultaneous Satellite Championships will be held in more than 50 countries on October 19, 2024. Each yard completed by a team member will count as one point. The country with the highest number of points will be declared the World Team Champion. The top 50 national champions from these races will earn a slot at the 2025 World Individual Championship.

2025 annual Events Schedule

MTR organizes the Margalla Trail Running Festival on different trails of Margalla Hills in February every year.  Inter-Club Margalla Hill Half Marathon in April every year. In July every year, MTR organizes the Galiyat Mountain Trail 60k and 20k by UTMB Index Races in Galiyat mountains Pakistan. MTR organizes Margalla Backyard Ultra in December every year.





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